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Fraud Fears hold back real-time b2b payments

September 01, 2022
Fraud Fears hold back real-time b2b payments

Fraud remains the number one barrier to the adoption of real-time payments (RTP), according to a new study.

Fraud remains the number one barrier to the adoption of real-time payments (RTP), according to a new study.

The study, conducted by the Aite Group and commissioned by ACI Worldwide, found that 43% of respondents said the fraud was their biggest concern when it came to RTP.

This is not surprising, given that real-time payments are essentially immediate, which means that if fraud does occur, it can be very difficult to recover the funds. However, there are some steps that businesses can take to mitigate the risk of fraud, such as using advanced authentication methods and monitoring for suspicious activity.

Despite the concerns around fraud, the study found that businesses are increasingly interested in RTP. Some 63% of respondents said they were either very or extremely interested in using RTP for B2B payments, up from just 46% in 2018.

This is likely because real-time payments can offer several advantages for businesses, such as faster payment processing and improved cash flow management. Ultimately, while fraud remains a concern, it appears that businesses are increasingly willing to take the risk to reap the benefits of real-time payments.